Thursday, May 19, 2022

Purple Nurple

All things have an expiration date.

Friendships, relationships, partnerships, all of that.

Anyway, I had a nice weekend with friends.

I should be going out again tomorrow so I hope I can enjoy myself again.

I better get to bed so that I am well rested for my event tomorrow.

Keep on reading below to get the details for today's look :) :)

If you see something you like that isn't in this list, it mean's it's not a sponsored item. 
I give 100% focus to Sponsors and only list sponsored items. 
However, do not be discouraged by this!! 
I'll be happy to give you the item info if you contact me via Flickr or SLFB Messenger
You can also contact me in - world @ Princess Usbourne. 
Okay, have a nice night, all :)

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