Monday, December 10, 2012

Your Skin

Hey I am doing like nothing but skins because sooo many are being released by

Lara of [Mystic Canvass] for so many different events that I am going to just pile them all on one blog post!! Yippie for knockin' 'em out! 
Above is the "Winter" skin and it comes with 3 styles, with cleavage options for:

Also, we have "AJ" above in a light tone with bold make ups. It comes with hair bases and cleavage options, also eye brow shaping options. 
This is available @ [--] Forgotten Closet [--]
These cute earrings are from .:Bens Beauty:. for Fi*Friday and you can find them HERE: 
 Here (above) we have "Benny" with her cute hearts on her cheekbones and pink eye brows and dark lipsticks. There are A cups and D cups, hair-bases, eye brows, shape, and teeth options. This is sold in the Mystic Canvass Mainshop!
 If you're into patterns on your eyes you'll enjoy "Fectious" with a darker shade (my preference), cup sizes and different color patterns. This is also available at:
 Lastly, we have two different skins, but they're kind of singles so I just combined them. Both have boob preferences! They're named "Minerva" which is available at: 
and "Herotia" and can be found at: 

Whew!! And there you have it! Skins out of the WAZOO and available at all the SLURLs posted NOW!
Go git 'em!

Pasties by << (red)Mint ------->>

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