Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday

Ooooh colors. It's fun to make photos and outfits with colors. 
It's still a little outside my comfort zone but I am having a good time experimenting with colors and getting away from earth tones and monochromes. 
I just want to say that I am feeling the love with the blog, the support, the compliments.
You guys really make all the hard work and effort worth it.
Anyway, enough rambling!! Go ahead and keep reading for deets!

Girl 1:

Girl 2:

Here are some HUD examples:

Welp, I am gonna lay down, it's been a long day! Don't forget, if you need any info about any unlisted items, feel free to contact me on SLFB or on Flickr Messages or leave a comment. 
Another option is to hit me up in world @ PrincessAndrea Usbourne Usbourne.
 See you all later!!

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