Sunday, December 29, 2019

.Golden Nugget.

I am having a real difficult time hitting my normal 100+ views on Flickr.
I dunno if it's cause people don't like me cause I am outspoken or are people not viewing Flickr as much anymore?
I know I personally don't look at it much but when I do, I make sure to share the love.
But yeah, watching my numbers dwindle is a little disheartening.
I need to figure how to step my photo game up while still maximizing the amount of sponsors I can fit into one image.
Definitely the easiest way to get the most sponsored items in the fewest amount of pics but I think people are just getting used to it by now? 
I don't know, but I need to figure it out.
Okay well, enough of my woes. It's time to click below to get the deets :)

Gold Shirt:

Brown Shirt:

Here are some HUD examples:

If you see something you like that isn't in this list, it mean's it's not a sponsored item. 
However, don't be bummed out! 
I will be happy to give you the item info if you contact me via Flickr or SLFB Messenger or my leaving a comment on the blog.

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