Monday, December 21, 2015

Lina & Bell

 Hey all!
I have a crazy ton of blogging to do today so I'll dive right in!
I'll start with the newest round of Tres Chic, starting Dec 17th, which is featuring the "Bell" dress from original mesh creator

[LAKSHMI] which is HUD controlled and made for a few of the popular mesh bodies. 

Worn with "Bell" are the group gift "Zadar" boots from ::HH:: Hucci for SLink and Hourglass. 
Also worn by original mesh designer {A Breakfast Convo}, is the curvaceous "Lina" Long Tee for Maitreya and Belleza bodies. 
The "Tarja" heels by S H E Y are worn with the tee/dress which are also HUD controlled 
for SLink feet.
Lastly, I am wearing the new skin applier from EGOZY named "Shenty" and it's also HUD controlled 
and I'll do a future blog on it as well.
Okay that's a wrap!

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