Friday, July 17, 2020

Manhattan Noir

Man, I swear I can't say anything on SLFB without it backfiring or blowing up or me ending up on SLSecrets.
People have it out for me because of how out spoken I am, and my words get taken way out of context and contorted.
I made a post recently about morphing skin ADs and the real deal in world and it blew up!
It blew up so bad that companies severed ties with the AD creator. 
I have a rock in my stomach. 
I never want to impact someone's business. 
I sent a N/C to the company that severed ties with the other company and apologized.
But things definitly did get blown out of proportion ... as they normally do with SLFB.
Anyway ... I gotta stop beating myself up for how things turned out. 
So yeah, keep reading to get the details for today's latest blog.

Glasses Girl:

Purse Girl:

If you see something you like that isn't in this list, it mean's it's not a sponsored item. 
I give 100% focus to Sponsors and only list sponsored items. 
However, do not be discouraged by this! 
I'll be happy to give you the item info if you contact me via Flickr or SLFB Messenger, contacting me in - world @ Princess Usbourne or by leaving a comment on the blog.
Sigh, I need a nap.
Thanks for reading  :(

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