Saturday, September 29, 2012


 Luscious. That's name of this post because it's the first word that comes to mind when I see this picture. Luscious, wet lips and luscious curves under this bikini. Oh yea, lush!
Well, my luscious look couldn't have been achieved so wonderfully without key components. 

The first ingredient is the new skin for The Swag Fest called "Riah" by 
[Mystic Canvass] which is a pale tone with two cup sizes and 5 makeup options. Included is a bonus shape!

Also, these BISHES have been quiet for a few months but they've returned with a vengence! I'm wearing "" by The Bishes Inc. and this cute two piece comes in a myriad of colors and patterns that suit everyone's particular prefernce. These were FUN and it was hard choosing only 5 to show off!

1 comment:

Ehi said...

To start off, I don't know much about this stuff. But my girlfriend is DEFINITELY into it, & she constantly reads this blog (trust me, its bookmarked). After personally reading a few of your blogs, I can see why. Great job Ms. Usbourne, the info your blogs helps my girlfriend enjoy her hobby as a SL player, & when she's happy we're happy.

Thanks again, keep up the good work.