Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Skeleton Crew

 We're gearing up for Halloween around these parts!
One designer who made it extra cute would be 
*BeReckless* who have released the "Stacey" tee's which are mesh, and come in 6 different skeleton faces. I genuinely adored these and had fun wearing them and seeing the images. 
You'll find these at the *BeReckless* Mainstore!

Another round of XYROOM is upon us and we have the "Bonnie" skin by [Mystic Canvass] which comes in a teeth or no teeth option, many hair-bases and two eye-brow options. This event lasts the 1st - 20th so add that date to your shopping calendar. 

Here are the SLURLs below!

*BeReckless* Mainstore
Mystic Canvass @ XYROOM

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